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 Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, And Total Nonsense: Profiting From Evidence-Based Management


 Pfeffer, Jeffrey/ Sutton, Robert I.


 Harvard Business Publishing




Jeffery Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton present a better path: evidence-based management, an approach that has taken hold in medicine and is spreading to education and public policy. The authors show managers how to find and use better evidence in business and why this approach generates superior results. Through evidence-based management, business leaders face the hard facts and act on the best evidence- trumping the competition. They also view common beliefs about effective management with healthy skepticism. To demonstrate the dangers lurking in such beliefs, the authors dismantle six widely held- but ultimately flawed- half-truths in core management areas including leadership, strategy, change, talent, incentives, and the connections between work and the best rest of like. Pfeffer and Sutton describe how to identify and apply practices that are best for their companies, rather than blindly embrace what seems to have worked elsewhere.