Summary |
Reading 1 summarizes the experiences of several corporations is coping with the changing environment and presents a model for interpreting the interactions of corporations and society. Reading 2 describes steps a firm can take to manage relevant public issues. Judgments require some crystal ball gazing, views of the future such as the one in Reading 3 help to identify the possibilities. Reading 4 serves a similar purpose in regard to future population trends.
Reading 5 surveys the financial services revolution and its impact on the insurance business. Reading 6 presents a case study of the interaction between insurers and regulators, and Reading 7 discusses underlying issues to analyze in attempting to anticipate developments on this front.
Reading 8 discusses the general uses of forecasting for managerial purposes and ways to make it more effective. Reading 9 describes how a corporate model can assist the planning effort by analyzing the impact of various possible developments. Reading 10 provides an introduction to that technique and the interpretation of its results.
Reading 11 emphasizes, the essence of strategy is matching opportunities and resources. Reading 12 explores the process of defining corporate strengths and weaknesses and offers suggestions for making the process more effective. Reading 13 provides guidance on gathering information about competitors in order to know how the firm stands in comparison to others.
Reading 14 discusses these questions. Reading 16 describes in detail the process of developing new insurance products to satisfy customer needs and to meet the demands of competition and regulation. Reading 17 reviews the processing systems used in the insurance business and describes the options available. Reading 18 suggests procedures for developing new systems to assure that the end result accomplishes the desired purpose.
Reading 19 offers worth-while advice on correcting this omission.