Summary |
Although many conferences have been devoted to handling risk at sea, relatively few have been held under the title Marine Risk Management and it is therefore important that in opening this conference I set out our view of risk management and our objectives for this conference.
The term risk management is widely used today, but there is not as yet general agreement about its meaning and application. Some writers and other limit the application of risk management to insurable risk whilst others see the management of risk as covering all aspects of uncertainty in the field of marine operations.
The most obvious feature of marine risk management today is that it is not coordinated. Many different bodies are engaged in research and practical work on different aspects of risk and one of the objects of this conference is to bring together a number of those differing views in the expectation that a more effective overall risk management effort will result.
During author conference, we will be looking at a number of aspects of commercial risk, technical risk and insurance risk, author start with the views of a shipowner and port operator of commercial risk implicit in shipping. The theme of our conference then changes to a technical emphasis with papers on liquefied natural gas carriers, nuclear risk and offshore oil.