Summary |
Pre-calculus mathematics covers topics which traditionally follow an intermediate algebra course (space geometry and trigonometry). However, it extends beyond the traditional course and provides a full course in analytic geometry, with use of vectors. Central themes of function, vector, and graph pervade the book. It can be used successfully following any reasonably modern, intermediate algebra text. There is also a chapter of a combinatorial nature where sequences, series, permutations and combinations, induction, and the binomial theorem occur. A chapter on probability follows this.
Features of the book are clear definitions, logical development, historical notes that illuminate the development of mathematical concepts, and chapter summaries with review problems after each chapter. The text is meant to be read. Attention is given to proofs, since this text is more than a source of formulas to be applied in problems. Because progress in mathematics is highly dependent on ability to read mathematical exposition, we have promoted this skill.
The text gives students the mathematics that is represented in the new College Entrance Examination Board Test. Furthermore, it meets the general recommendations of the Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics for the mathematical content that should constitute pre-calculus mathematics. Finally, this book closely follows the spirit and philosophy of the School Mathematics Study Group’s Course in the elementary functions.