Summary |
Making MBO/R (Management by objectives for results) work in an organization requires a significantly different approach to implementation. Relatively few organizations have dealt with “traditional” MBO as a total management process. Even fewer have worked with it using a systems approach. Both of these are inherent in the way we go about making MBO/R work.
In many of those organizations which say they have MBO there seems to be a serious lack of conceptual knowledge relative to what it’s all about. As with theory X and Y’, many people are inclined to use MBO to describe a form of managerial behavior. However, MBO is truly a concept which may be implemented with a variety of behavioral patterns. Carvalho has described MBO as the name attached to the idea that people should know what kinds and amounts of results they want to accomplish before they start working toward those results. Starting from this concept and developing a management process to implement it leads to a wide variety of possibilities in practice. This approach is considerably different from those situations in which MBO is presented as just another managerial skill or technique.